Headlight is a soup-to-nuts transportation management solution designed to streamline and simplify the booking and management of freight, whether on your trucks, common carriers, or using a managed fleet. This next-generation web-based platform gives you a single point of reference for all orders in your system. Using cutting-edge artificial-intelligence technology, Headlight quickly generates the optimal combination of both loadings and routings which will not only save you tons of money, but it will also take you and your company to the next level of success. Jump to the front of the pack with modern logistics management: Headlight.

Are your dispatchers sifting through piles of paper to route trucks? Maybe they post every address to Google Maps just to figure out where their orders are going. What about specialized products or handling requirements? How do you keep track of it all?
The Headlight Dispatch Console helps dispatchers quickly visualize all pickups, orders, transfers, or any other movement of product. Keep track of important order attributes, hazardous materials codes, product dimensions, special handling requirements or required equipment types, locations, and customer requirements all in one place.
- • Eliminate dispatching errors related to missed details. Easily visualize everything that needs to happen in a single view enabling better decision making and more efficient time usage.
- • Give your vital logistics information and details a home that’s not in an employee’s head! Your customer’s shipping requirements are YOUR business. Organize and store it safely.
There are nearly infinite ways to combine your orders onto trucks. Some of those solutions will result in fewer miles driven and hours worked. Some more. Are you driving the most efficient routes?
How do you know?
Or are you like most companies that load and route manually with no way to estimate traffic, route times, or mileage other than simply guessing? Maybe you’ve had the experience of having trucks not able to complete their routes due to driver time limits, resulting in orders coming back to the warehouse, broken promises, and disappointed customers? How do you manage traffic pattern changes throughout the course of the day or figure out the best time for a truck to leave the warehouse, or know when they can be expected to return so you can plan other pickups or activities?
Headlight’s artificial intelligence-based load planning tool figures out the best loads and routes that minimize driver time and mileage and provide the heaviest possible truck weights, all while keeping track of a near-infinite list of details: when customers are open for delivery, daily traffic patterns, tolls, loading constraints, product compatibility, allowable equipment types, route time limits, special customer requirements, and more
- • Eliminate waste: wasted miles, wasted driver hours, wasted fuel, and wasted truck capacity. Rely on Headlight’s artificial intelligence to find better routes that reduce driver time and mileage.
- • Reduce the amount of time required for dispatching and automatically create loads with the click of a button. Systematize your logistics so that it can be done by anyone.
- • Review the projected cost of a route and easily evaluate how changes or additions to a route will impact cost.
Automated Load Manifest Creation
Do you fumble through the process of manually sorting orders onto trucks only to have to go back to the system and key in each and every order to create its paperwork? What if you do this for 10 trucks and 150 orders? That’s a lot of manual data entry, wasted time, and opportunity for error.
Use Headlight and confirm optimized routes with a single click, automating the creation of a load manifest in your ERP.
- • Eliminate wasted time, aggravation, and data-entry errors.
As a salesperson, are you constantly getting the question, “when is my order arriving?” Do you hang up and call the dispatcher who then calls the driver? Do you wait for an answer that never comes only to frustrate your customer, embarrass yourself, and waste time for both yourself and your dispatching team? There has to be a better way. And there is.
Track all your trucks, their progress along a route, their deliveries and pickups, and capture proofs-of-deliveries all in real time and all available for any member of your team via Headlight.
- • Empower your sales and customer service personnel to easily self-serve vital delivery information to better satisfy your customers.
- • Eliminate wasted intra-office communications that frustrate your team members.
- • Capture proofs-of-delivery and images of your product at your customers. Images and proofs-of-delivery are automatically appended to your orders and trucks and stored in perpetuity. Have the appropriate backups and avoid disputes.
- • Real-time proof-of-deliver capture allows for real-time invoicing, speeding up your cash cycle
Do you regularly hire out freight to supplement your fleet? Do you do this work manually via individualized emails or by phone? Do you have to explain to each and every contact where the load is starting from, what the delivery addresses are, what it’s carrying, how much it weights, what the product types are, etc.? Do you generally just book the load with the first person you can get on the phone and who says they have a truck that can do it, almost regardless of the price?
Headlight makes it easy to quickly summarize a route and communicate it out to an unlimited number of shipping providers and automatically hosts a “reverse auction” for your loads, injecting real competition into the load tendering process resulting in easier, faster bookings and better pricing.
- • Fight back against the driver shortage by easily communicating with far more shipping contacts. More contacts means more drivers and fewer dropped loads.
- • Drive down the cost of freight by 25-35%. Competitive bidding keeps everyone honest and pricing improves dramatically – even in the current tight market.
- • Invest less time and energy in your common carrier bidding process and get way better pricing. What’s not to like?